Review: Lust’s Temptation

I located this insightful review for Lust’s Temptation on the Seriously Reviewed blog.

Taylor has found a fascinating angle and I’m excited to read more in this series because of the potential.

Troi, Amun and Oriel are all great characters. Troi and Amun inner battle was intense, erotic and titillating but came with guilt and remorse. I loved the dichotomy of their struggle both to find the one that completes them sexually and screwing all the time. It was hot.

So far, so good. However, the blogger doesn’t have only good things to say about the story.
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Several times the story seemed to reinvent itself. I thought I was reading a story that had romantic suspense elements, then I was reading a BDSM story. Somewhere in the middle in comes Oriel’s Dad and the story once again became something else. If these were the tools to bring about motivation and change in the characters, they didn’t work for me. All sections were entertaining, well written and erotic. But what one scene had to do with the next was often lost for me.

Interesting feedback. Indeed, the elements she mentions are meant to illustrate the character’s change, or need for change. It’ll be interesting to see if other reviewers feel the same way this one did.

My thanks to Seriously Reviewed for the review and the feedback.