And the Winner Is…

Before I announce the three winners of the Some Like It Hot writing contest, I wanted to thank everyone who entered. Without you, of course, there wouldn’t be a contest. Thank you for being brave and submitting your story. For some of you, this might have been the first time you’ve entered a contest or submitted a story. That’s a huge step!

I’d also like to thank Grace for taking the time to read each and every entry. I don’t know how she managed to juggle reading each week’s entries so fast with her regular submissions. But she did a fabulous job.

Now, on to what you’ve all been waiting for–the winners.

Third place goes to Leia Rice for “The Chieftan’s Daughter.” Congratulations, Leia!

Second place goes to Ann Mayburn for “Wild Lilly.” Congratulations, Ann!
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And last, but not least, first place goes to Sasha Devlin for “Undercover Lover.” Congratulations Sasha!

Also, Grace has requested full manuscripts from all three winners. Hopefully we’ll be hearing about some new contracts in the upcoming months!

Congratulations again to the winners, and to everyone who entered.
